Winners of WorldStar 2024 are Announced

20 February 2024 12:56

WPO - World Packaging Organization announced 2024 winners of WorldStar that is accepted as one of the most prestigious global packaging competitions organized since 1970. 435 entries from 41 countries applied at the competition that received a higher number of applications compared to last year.  

Online judging was performed for WorldStar. The jury was composed of 41 international names representing 41 WPO member countries from all across the globe. Following judging, 212 winners out of 435 entries to the WorldStar Packaging Awards were announced. The top five countries that received the highest number of awards were in turns, Japan with 28 awards, Germany with 21 awards, Australia and New Zealand with 16 awards, USA with 12 awards, and Brazil and Austria with 11 awards each.

WordStar Award Ceremony in 2024 will be organized during ProPak Asia Exhibition that will be organized on June 15 in Bangkok, Thailand. During the same event the WPO will declare winners in special categories such as the Presidency Award, Sustainability Award, Marketing Award, and Save Food  Packaging Award.

The complete list of the winners of WorldStar Packaging Awards 2024 is found online at address.

WorldStar 2024 Türkiye Winner Company and Packaging:





Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


Organized by the ASD Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association, the Crescents and Stars for Packaging Competition is the only WPO recognized competition in Türkiye. The products that receive Competency Awards at Crescents and Stars for Packaging Competition are qualified to participate in the WorldStar competition organized by the WPO.

Gold and Bronze Awards to Young Designers of Packaging from WorldStar

18 student projects that ranked the highest at the 19th National Packaging Design Student Competition organized by the ASD Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association in 2023 entered WorldStar Student organized by the WPO. 253 projects from 25 countries entered the international competition where 10 student projects from Türkiye received awards.

İzzet Duyar studying at Eskişehir Technical University, department of Industrial Design received the Gold Award in Household Category at 'WorldStar Student' competition with his 'Omo Dose' project while Fatma Akkan studying at İstanbul Technical University department of Industrial Design received the Bronze Award in the same category with her 'Lutri' project. Certificates were given to 8 projects that applied from Türkiye.  

WorldStar Student has been organized since 2006 by the WPO open only to students. National Packaging Design Student Competition in Türkiye  that enables student participation from our country in WorldStar Student Competition is organized by the ASD in cooperation with RX TÜYAP with contribution of Eurasia Packaging Istanbul Exhibition. In the WorldStar Student Competition organized in 2023, Zeynep Özel, a student from Istanbul Medipol University Industrial Design Department from Türkiye won the first prize with her project and received the Gold Award.

Evaluating the results of the competition, Mr. Zeki Sarıbekir, President of ASD said: “We are pleased that 10 student projects from Türkiye won the WorldStar Student Competition. Last year, project prepared by a Turkish student was at the top of the competition, making us proud. We received Gold and Bronze awards this year as well. In recent years, our students have been bringing valuable awards to our country. As we, as a sector, take firm steps towards the future, we become even more hopeful with these successful performances from our students. I would like to congratulate each and every one of our students, whom we perceive as the future of our industry in this period when value-added exports are of huge importance."

Winners of WorldStar Student 2024 will receive their awards at the award ceremony that will be held during the ProPak Asia Exhibition that will be organized on June 15 in Bangkok, Thailand.

WorldStar Student 2024 Winners Students' Projects and Their Awards:

Project Student Name Unıversity Awards 
Omo Dose  İZZET DUYAR  Eskisehir Technical University-
Industrial Design
Gold Award
Lutri  FATMA AKKAN İstanbul Technical University-
Industrial Design
Bronze Award
Catomie Noodle Packaging
with Vegatables
ENFAL MERYEM ULUÇINAR Marmara University -Industrial Design Certificate of Merit 
Citkat Sunflower Seed
İLAYDA UYGUR İzmir Universty of Economics-
Industrial Design 
Certificate of Merit 
Dental Hygiene Kit SENEM ERTÜRK Marmara University -Industrial Design Certificate of Merit 
Duo, Breakfast Cereal
and Milk Duo 
EMİNE ÖZKAN  Istanbul Medipol University-
Industrial Design 
Certificate of Merit 
Garnier Paper Face Mask
Shelf Ready Packaging 
BEGÜM BAYIR Marmara University -Industrial Design Certificate of Merit 
Soul  MEVLÜT MERT  ÇEKER Istanbul Bilgi  University-
Industrial Design 
Certificate of Merit 
Tadım Nuts Packaging  AZRA TARHAN Marmara University -Industrial Design Certificate of Merit 
Yves Rocher Tra-Pure Algue  BİLGE TORUN Marmara University -Industrial Design Certificate of Merit 



ASD Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association


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