European Parliament Members Adopt New EU Carbon Removal Certification Scheme

24 May 2024 18:07

The new European Union Carbon Certification System, developed to assess the effectiveness, transparency, and sustainability of carbon reduction projects and various technologies removing carbon from the atmosphere, was approved by the European Parliament in April 2024. This certification scheme aims to bolster the EU's efforts to meet its carbon emission reduction targets. It includes a comprehensive audit and certification process that covers all participants and stakeholders from the start to the end of carbon reduction projects.

The system covers renewable energy projects, carbon reduction technologies, and various methods of carbon removal, including storage and recycling. It also supports natural-based solutions such as conservation and restoration of natural resources. The social and environmental impacts of projects are also assessed to ensure compliance with sustainability standards.

This certification system is seen as a step towards effectively implementing EU climate policies, achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, and taking a leadership role in combating global climate change.

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