1st Study Visit of DEEP Project held in Belgium and the Netherlands!

26 January 2023 16:34

The scope of the “Technical Assistance for Assessment of Türkiye's Potential on Transition to Circular Economy” (DEEP) Project that prepares the roadmap for Türkiye's transition to a circular economy; the first study visit was held in the Netherlands and Belgium between 28 November and 2 December 2022 to exchange information on ongoing activities and practices related to the circular economy in the context of resource and waste management in EU countries.

During the visit, the implementation and benefits of the EU circular economy package, the procedures, functioning, and financing of research institutions working on waste management and circular economy in the EU, and their relations with all authorities, including environmental agencies and ministries, were examined to understand the content.

Please click to view the DEEP Project Study Visit Special Newsletter, highlights from the visits.


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