Turkish Packaging Industry Met in the ASD's Iftar Event
Packaging industry professionals met in the traditional iftar invitation which is annually held by Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association (ASD). ASD President Zeki Sarıbekir hosted about 350 guests in iftar dinner. In the invitation, Asaf Savaş Akat and Prof.Dr. Taner Berksoy, who are the leading economists in Turkey, came together to discuss in as "Eco Dialogue for Packaging Industry" panel. Making a speech after the iftar program, Zeki Sarıbekir, President of ASD mentioned that the industry maintained and increased its contribution to closing the foreign trade deficit, a major issue in Turkey's economy and said, "We're going to achieve our 30 billion dollars market size and 10 billion dollars export goal by 2023, the year when we'll be celebrating the 100th anniversary of Republic of Turkey”.
Prominent names of the packaging industry met in the traditional iftar event organized by Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association (ASD) in the evening of May 23. Hosting the event, attended by about 350 guests, Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association President Zeki Sarıbekir highlighted the importance of the packaging industry for Turkish economy and said that the industry outputs current surplus. Mentioning that the Turkish packaging industry achieved 23 billion dollars market size last year, Zeki Sarıbekir stated that export increased by 9 percent in quantity and 11 percent in value in 2018 compared to the previous year. Zeki Sarıbekir said,
"In 2018, our industry made 2 million 325 thousand tons packaging export to 180 countries and generated 4.6 billion dollars export revenue. Our foreign trade surplus has been 1 billion 320 million dollars. We maintained and even increased our contribution to closing the foreign trade deficit, a major issue in Turkish economy. We also continue to outperform the Turkish average with our export unit price. We're going to achieve our 30 billion dollars market size and 10 billion dollars export goal by 2023, the year when we'll be celebrating the 100th anniversary of Republic of Turkey.
Mr. Zeki Sarıbekir who noted that the packaging sector has come to this day following the technological developments which are automation and Industry 4.0 will become much more important in the upcoming period. He said that Turkish Packaging Industry will continue sustainable production through adapting to innovations and to the future, explaining that they have to keep up with technology much more now across the industry.
Mentioning that they are focusing on further increasing the number of markets as the industry as well as on exporting at least half of their packaging production, Zeki Sarıbekir said "We are planning to become more prominent in Sub-Saharan African countries and Middle Eastern markets in 2019. African countries are among the target markets that are important for us. Countries such as Mexico, Brazil, USA, India and Russia will be our direct goal. We'll also increase our export to Europe”.
Crescents and Stars of Packaging which is organized by ASD, in every two years, is only competent packaging competition of Turkey. Zeki Sarıbekir said they received 209 applications for the competition last year. Zeki Sarıbekir highlighted that the winners of the competition will be able to take part in WorldStar and AsiaStar competitions organized by World Packaging Organization (WPO) and Asia Packaging Federation.
Mentioning that Turkey achieved great success in these two international competitions, which are the oscars of packaging industry, Zeki Sarıbekir said, "We received 22 awards in WorldStar 2019 and we came in second after Japan. In AsiaStar, we received 11 awards and proved the power of the packaging industry to the whole world once again”.
While the companies who were admitted into membership in the association during last year were being given their plaques, the awards for 6 students and 5 companies who won them in AsiaStar were presented in the iftar program since these awards had just arrived in Turkey.
The fact that packaged food ensures health and hygiene and prevents wastage was highlighted in the program. The campaign of Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association (ASD) conducted under the slogan "Choose Packaged Food” was addressed and it was stated that they will continue to create new projects in order to contribute to development of the industry.
At the end of the iftar program, Turkey's leading economists Prof. Asaf Savaş Akat and Prof. Taner Berksoy and Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association President Zeki Sarıbekir moderated a panel discussion titled "Ecodialogue for the Packaging Industry”. The attendants shared their opinions on current economic data and expectations.
It was also ASD Packaging Congress 2019 - International Packaging Industry Congress, where the innovations in the packaging industry and the future of the industry are going to be evaluated altogether for value added production will take place on November 21 - 22 and all stakeholders of the industry were invited to this congress. The congress theme was announced as "Sustainable Packaging and Circular Economy”. For more information please visit; www.packagingcongress.org .
Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association (ASD)
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