The Young Stars of Packaging Design 2016
In "National Packaging Design Student Competition 2016”, 12 th of which was organized this year in cooperation with Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association (ASD) and Reed TÜYAP the awards were granted to the winners.
In "National Packaging Design Student Competition 2016”, 12 th of which was organized this year in cooperation with Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association (ASD) and Reed TÜYAP, students in the first three ranks, and winners of mention and certificate were announced. The students received their prizes during the opening ceremony of Packaging Istanbul 2016-22 nd International Packaging Industry Fair. The finalists sharing the first 3 ranks will be granted with scholarships during their academic lives besides the monetary awards.
In "National Packaging Design Student Competition 2016”, 12 th of which was organized this year in cooperation with Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association (ASD) and organizer of Eurasia Packaging Istanbul Fair, Reed TÜYAP, students in the first three ranks, and winners of mention and certificate were announced. Prizes were granted to the young winners in the ceremony during the Eurasia Packaging Istanbul Fair on 2 th of November 2016.
In the competition that was organized to achieve the aim of providing the students of design in Turkey to field of packaging design and contributing to development of a sector with international competitive capacity, projects from Departments of Industrial Design/Design of Industrial Products and Departments of Graphical Design of universities from overall Turkey competed to win. First three ranks, mention and certificate awards were granted to a total of 15 successful projects.
Monetary award and scholarship for champion designers
In 12 th National Packaging Design Student Competition,the finalists sharing the first three ranks received monetary awards respectively of TL 5 thousand, TL 3 thousand and TL 2 Thousand. Three students, who received mentions, were awarded with TL 1000.
The competition is recognized and encouraged by WPO - World Packaging Organization and APF-Asian Packaging Federation. The ones qualifying for an award (including mention and certificate) in the competition can attend to WorldStar Student and AsiaStar competitions organized by WPO And APF, if they please. Young competitors, that are entitled for the first three ranks are granted with the "ASD&TÜYAP Scholarship” for 12 months annually during their academic lives. Successful students gain great successes worldwide in the Worldstar Student Competition. Projects of ranking finalists of the competition were exhibited in the Eurasia Packaging Fair, which was organized in Istanbul Tüyap Fair and Convention Center between 2 nd and 5 th of November 2016.
Winning Designs:
1-CakCak Energy Chewing Gum Baris Çiftçi / Marmara University Graphic Design Dept.
2- Loop Muhammed Saner Öztürkler / Anadolu University Industrial Design Dept.
3- Tamdem Tea Bag Packaging Zeynep Ograk / Karabük University Industrial Products Design Dept.
M-Phospore M. Halid Dagci /Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University Graphic Design Dept.
M-Fruitbowl Seyit Ahmet Akbülbül- Örsan Berkay Tülüce / Kadir Has University Industrial Products Design Dept.
M - Bisüt Disposable Cookie and Milk Packaging Ayça Günay /Yasar University Graphic Design Dept.
C-Express Whipped Cream MsChef Ugur Yildiz / Dumlupinar University Graphic Design Dept.
C-Aegean Organic Hand Soap Packaging Cansu Pehlivan / Yasar University Graphic Design Dept.
C-4 Pieces of Pasta Ilteris Kagan Bahçeci, Yunus Emre Pektas, Tolgahan Tosun/ TOBB ET University Industrial Design Dept.
C-Hold On Ilteris Kagan Bahçeci, Yunus Emre Pektas, Tolgahan Tosun/ TOBB ET University Industrial Design Dept.
C-Easy-T Ilteris Kagan Bahçeci, Yunus Emre Pektas, Tolgahan Tosun/ TOBB ET University Industrial Design Dept.
C-Cloudy Mary Yagmur Cansel Ilhan /Yasar University Graphic Design Dept.
C-Multi-purpose Crayon Box Elif Güler /Dumlupinar University Graphic Design Dept.
C-Frukit Rümeysa Türkel /Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University Graphic Design Dept.
C-Tea Packaging with Local Characters S erdar Bölükbasi /Dumlupinar University Graphic Design Dept.