Where do we stand as packaging manufacturers in terms of REACH?
Packaging in scope of REACH is classified as "commodity”. If packaging you produce is to be exported to EU countries by you or your client, then your responsibilities begin in this context. This subject is explained in Article 7.1 of the Regulation (REACH Regulation, Annex XIV). According to Article 7.1; items on the SVHC (Substance of Very High Concern) chemicals list will be taken into account. If the packaging has a chemical leak and the substance which is leaking is on this list (it is not common for a chemical leak in the packaging), if one or more of the chemicals listed has 0.1% or higher concentration in one product at once, if 1 ton or more of these chemicals is used for production within 1 year, you need to declare the substances mentioned. You may consult our associations technical staff for more detailed information regarding the subject or get information at https://www.immib.org.tr/en/contact.html