Benefits of Packaging
"Packaging” is also known as the salent salesman and has managed to enter the marketing literature as 5.P.
Packaging is the protector of the product within.It protects the product from physical impacts such as hitting, wetting, and bruising.Packaging allows for the product to reach the consumer in the most economic way possible and creates ease of storage.Another important role is to provide the consumer with ease of choice and usage with the information it holds. The weight, price, production date, use by date, ingredients, name of producer company, usage details written on the packaging provides major convenience to the seller and the consumer.
Packaging may inform the consumer of all the properties of the product.It is almost the "tongue” of the product.With the development of modern age, decreasing family size and increase in the number of single households, the production of especially portioned packaging has increased.Packaged goods are preferred because people have limited time to eat, drink and shop in the fast tempo of today and such goods have usage and transport ease.Therefore in developed and developing countries, packaging consumption is higher compared to underdeveloped countries.
- Packaging protects the product.
- Packaging keeps the product from going bad.
- Packaging decreases costs.
- Packaging informs.
- Packaging provides hygiene.
- Packaging means economy.
- Packaging is a preventive measure.
In short; packaging is an inevitable part of our lives.
To put in other words " packaging is the product's dress .”